
Talks, articles, and interviews from Gordon T. Smith
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Christianity & the Arts

The Stages of Life

Fostering Disengagement With the World – Sabbath

4 Practices that Foster Engagement With the World

Discerning Constraints (Real or Assumed) in Vocation

Today’s Global Issues

Vocational Discernment: A Biblical Theology of Work

Vocational Discernment: Know Yourself

Vocational Discernment: Having an Accurate Read of Your Circumstances

The Theology of Work & Mary and Martha

Thinking Vocationally

A lecture delivered at Middle East Baptist Seminary

Waiting for God, Part 6

On The Conversion Experience and the Intellectual Vocation

Waiting for God, Part 5

On The Conversion Experience and the Intellectual Vocation

Waiting for God, Part 4

On The Conversion Experience and the Intellectual Vocation

Waiting for God, Part 3

On The Conversion Experience and the Intellectual Vocation

Waiting for God, Part 2

On The Conversion Experience and the Intellectual Vocation

Institutional Intelligence is the capacity to work effectively within organizations.